Saturday, January 17, 2009

So, another Saturday

Another Saturday is here and it has been quite fun thus far.  I am currently not at home and do not have children with me.  :)  This is a strange concept because, although it is a Saturday, it is not the weekend.  Those come on Mondays and Tuesdays.  But it is the monthly parent's night out hosted by the wonderful people of Praxis church.  The children's ministry staff there ROCKS!!!  Because right now I am at a Starbucks drinking a frappicino and enjoying the music from my sister-in-law's blog.  
So this week has been fun.  Lot's of trips to the park in the most awesome weather.  Theresa is starting to get real brave with the slide and Mara has started to like to play with more playground equipment than just the swing.  

The photo challenge was stymied due to an iffy wi-fi conection.  While at home the stolen wi-fi has been on the fritz and I can't do anything about that.  Then while out with the kids, I'm too busy doing stuff to care about uploading some photos.  But I have mostly been keeping up with it.  Today is Electronics so I just took a picture of my laptop. :)

As a side note.  While I am writing this there is a guy sitting on the street asking for change.  He left his laptop, cell phone, and ipod in Starbucks.  

Monday, January 12, 2009


So today was a fun day.  I got to hang out at Ikea with my friends Rachel and Katie today while at Ikea.  This was special because 1) we had been trying to get together for a couple of weeks now 2) Rachel will soon be moving to a strange far away place, hardly ever to be seen again (the west valley).  Mara was sooo excited.  She is tall enough and potty trained so she gets to play in Smalland downstairs while the mommys roam the store wild.  I got to see many an amazing bed and table in that furniture store while catching up on all the fun events and activities of my friends.  After my 90 min of freedom were up, we went and had a fun lunch with the kiddos upstairs.  Mara enjoyed her macaroni and cheese very much while watching a movie in her special eating area.  Then it was goodbyes and so longs and maybe I'll see Rachel again sometime for a kids birthday or too.
Where was Theresa you may ask during this very fun escapade.  She was at home with my most awesome husband.  Monday is the new Saturday, don't you know.  

After some fun family time and a few chores I have the luxury of going off on my own to check e-mail and whatnot outside in downtown Tempe.  I know it is not all that exciting but it is free wi-fi out here.  Plus it is
 day 12 of the photo challenge.  Today's subject: minimalism.  Ok, going for most of the day without knowing the subject matter to shoot is difficult but when you know at the last minute it can still work out ok.  Maybe I'll try and escape earlier tomorrow to see what it is.  

Oh, for most of you that don't know, I started a photo challenge project.  They list a new project for me to take a picture of and post that day.  It presents a challenge when I can't get online till dusk to find out what I'm suppose to shoot that day, but it does get me to blog daily so you get very recent updates.  I don't know if my life is all that interesting to be blogging about daily but at least I won't hear griping about how I need to update more often.  :)

Sunday, January 11, 2009


We had a fun Sunday.  We started the day by going to church this morning.  It was our turn to set up the nursery and my turn to run media shout.  On days that we volunteer we always seem to have a better time then when we just go.  Plus Mara really likes to help vacuum up.  After church it was lunch and family nap time.  Then before Tim went off to work I took the girls on a long stroller ride with my laptop.  It is really fun being able to check my e-mail while watching the girls play in the grass.  Plus the wi-fi conection I steal  from my neighbor isn't all that reliable and I haven't been able to get on-line in a couple days.  I found out that today's photochallenge subject is landscape.  Luckily I shot this earlier just because it was pretty.  :)

I hope all of you are enjoying your daily updates.  I'm going to try and keep them coming all year long.  


So it was a fun Saturday.  We started the day by going to my friend Allison's house and eating some yummy bannana bread.  I think I should visit her house more often.  She is so fun with kids and always has stuff for them to do.  

Then I got to hang out at Target and try on some nifty clothes.  Target is always a fun adventure and I left with some really cute tutus for the girls.  

After Target I just hung out at home till Tim had to go to work and then I took off to find my photochallenge subject.  It was hard trying to find a moving target but then my kids are always moving.  I played with some of the features of my new camera at a waterfountain I found.   Then on the way home there was a nifty fire engine as well that I just managed to capture.

Friday, January 9, 2009

I left the door open to the bedroom and she just crawled in and fell asleep next to Tim.  :)


So today is Day nine of the photo challenge and today's topic was signage.  As a fun adventure I took Mara out to go take pictures of signs. 

She really liked the idea because she got to ride her trike the whole time. We went exploring all around our neighborhood and even to theCircle K down the street. She was pointing out different signs and she even got to get some bug juice.  

Theses photo challenges are fun to do with the kids and it gives me an excuse to update this blog a little more often than I have previously.  Plus I got to look at alot of fun and interesting signs today.


Thursday, January 8, 2009

photo challenge

So while I was exploring random blogs I came across many that were dedicated to taking a new photo everyday.  The idea slightly intrigued me and then I found  It presents a new photo concept to take a picture of everyday.  Seeing some of the previous picture ideas (chair, bread...ect.) I decided to give it a go today and see what I could do over a year.  Today's topic was entropy.  As is defined by them as:

  • A measure of the disorder or randomness in a closed system.
  • The tendency for all matter and energy in the universe to evolve toward a state of inert uniformity.
  • Inevitable and steady deterioration of a system or society.
  • Devolution
So on the way to take Tim's bike into the shop (the spokes popped) I snapped this real quick. :)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year

so there have been a lack of post lately.   I'm blaming it on the hectic holiday season and now I just want to wish everyone a happy new year.  Also with the new year comes a new camera.  I hope you all enjoy the pictures.  :)